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Human Factors Resources

HFIT questionnaire with tool tips and examples.

All the rating scale questions have some further explanatory examples as ‘tool tips’ which can be viewed on the SHOT database while completing the questionnaire by hovering the mouse pointer over the question. The new questions can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnail image below:



SHOT Human Factors Videos

We suggest watching these 2 short videos produced by SHOT for more information about human factors.

SHOT Bites 

SHOT have produced  SHOT Bites that provide a useful overview of the application of human factors in transfusion :

  • SHOT Bites numbers 12 and 19
  • SHOT Bites numbers 1a and 1b

Other useful resources

SHOTcast Human Factors
CIEHF Learning from adverse events
SHOT Human Factors webinar
Yorkshire Contributory Factors Framework
Supplementary material ABOi case worked through using HFIT and SEIPS