We have a number of free, foldable 2019 SHOT Summaries available to order from NHSBT Leaflets.
The 2019 SHOT Summary is a handy, pocket-sized resource which includes easy-to-digest information from the 2019 SHOT Report, including key recommendations, transfusion safety graphics and highlight data.
The SHOT Summary is the perfect engagement tool for getting people thinking and talking about transfusion safety. Ideal for patient safety events, transfusion awareness stands, education sessions and audit days.
Please set up an NHSBT Leaflets account if you don’t already have one, and order foldable 2019 SHOT Summaries using the stock code BLC789.
If you have any questions, please email leaflets@nhsbt.nhs.uk.
Kind regards,
The SHOT Team
SHOT Office, Manchester Blood Centre, Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LL. Telephone 0161 423 4208 | shot@nhsbt.nhs.uk | Terms of use and privacy statement
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