WEG will meet face to face on a further two occasions without the rest of the SG. The WEG will have a teleconference 4/6 weeks before the main SG meeting. The WEG therefore will meet 6 times per year, twice by telecon, twice on their own and twice with the rest of the SG. Minutes of all WEG meetings will be sent to all SG members.
The WEG is responsible for:
- Analysing the data that have been reported to SHOT and for writing the annual SHOT report.
- Developing an annual work programme to be approved by the SG based on agreed strategic objectives.
- Advising the SG on the functionality of the scheme and any new initiatives in development.
- In addition to the production of the annual data, members of the WEG will, together with members of the SHOT office team, produce papers for publication in scientific journals, on behalf of the SG.
- The WEG will initiate research, studies and audits alone and in collaboration with other bodies some of which may be task and finish and some of which will be ongoing projects.
- The WEG will be responsible for ensuring that all data produced by SHOT is published and disseminated appropriately to fulfil the stated purpose of SHOT in improving the safety of the transfusion process and standards of hospital transfusion practice.
- The WEG will regularly review definitions and questionnaires and submit proposed changes to the Steering Group for endorsement.
The WEG membership will include at least 2 Haematologists with clinical responsibility of transfusion, at least one hospital based Transfusion Scientist and Transfusion Practitioner, a Blood Service Consultant, a representative from UK NEQAS Blood Transfusion Laboratory Practice and a member with expertise in paediatric medicine. It must be ensured that the expertise within the Group covers the main areas of SHOT reporting.
Meet the Working Expert Group team