Annual SHOT Report 2019 – Febrile, Allergic and Hypotensive Reactions (FAHR) Highlights Webinar
02 December 2020 at 14:00 GMT
The SHOT team are excited to announce our final Webinar of 2020 covering the Febrile, Allergic and Hypotensive Reactions (FAHR) chapter of the Annual SHOT Report 2019 along with a 7-year trend analysis.
This 1-hour webinar is free to access and will include:
- A 40 minute presentation by the SHOT Team and the SHOT FAHR Working Expert Group (Dr Janet Birchall, Medical Director of the Welsh Blood Service, Dr Jayne Peters and Dr Catherine Booth, both Consultant Haematologists at NHSBT), covering the key highlights from the FAHR chapter of the 2019 Annual SHOT Report along with a 7-year trend analysis
- A 20 minute interactive Q&A session
- An excellent opportunity for CPD through reflective practice
- This webinar will be relevant to all health care professionals involved in transfusion – Laboratory Staff, Clinicians, Transfusion Practitioners and Haemovigilance Specialists, as well as Quality Assurance Professionals
The Zoom link to the live event is contained in the registration email. You can also contact us directly to register by e-mailing [email protected].
This event has passed.