The Annual SHOT Symposium 2017 will take place at Rothamsted Centre for Research and Enterprise, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 2JQ on Friday 07 July 2017.
We have a stimulating programme for the day including an interactive session for everyone to get involved and examples of ‘best practice’, steps that you have taken to improve transfusion safety. Our keynote speaker is Phil Hammond on ‘CLANGERS’.

Phil Hammond is an NHS doctor, campaigner, health writer, investigative journalist, broadcaster, speaker and comedian. He has done all these jobs imperfectly and part-time since 1987, and was also a lecturer in medical communication at the Universities of Birmingham and Bristol.
The subsidised delegate fee is £110 this year – please complete the application form which is available on the SHOT website by Friday 07 July 2017 .
The deadline for abstract submission is now CLOSED. The best abstract will be allocated an oral slot.
Following the success of the Breakfast meeting last year, we will be holding a pre-symposium session from 08:30am – 09:30 am where you can ‘Ask the Experts’ who analyse SHOT data and write the report. Spaces are limited. Please see booking conditions on the Symposium application form.
I look forward to seeing you there! Best wishes, Paula
Dr. Paula Bolton-Maggs DM FRCP FRCPath
Medical Director
Serious Hazards of Transfusion Scheme (SHOT)
Manchester Blood Centre
Plymouth Grove
Manchester M13 9LL