From the Patient Blood Management Team at NHS Blood and Transplant

We are delighted to announce the launch of ‘Blood Assist’ the new patient safety app supporting safe blood transfusion.
Developed by the Patient Blood Management Team at NHS Blood and Transplant, this free app provides a step-by-step approach to safe and appropriate blood component administration. Incorporating up to date guidance, recommendations, and advice from the Serious Hazards of Transfusion UK haemovigilance Society (SHOT), the British Society for Haematology (BSH) and the Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs (SaBTO).
A successful clinical pilot ran at both The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, where it was accessed via bedside devices.
In the current environment staff are facing unprecedented pressures and the app provides a safe resource to support staff and patients involved in the blood transfusion process. Available in real time, at the patients’ side to access before, during and post transfusion to reduce errors and promote safety.
The app can be downloaded onto personal and trust devices in clinical areas and is also available as a web-based version for educational purposes or as a reference guide.
Please promote the app through your RTC networks, transfusion groups, and more widely with all clinical contacts.
If you have any questions or would like any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
App available at Google play and iTunes stores – search NHS Blood Assist.
Blood assist website