SHOT Webinars
SHOT and NCA joint Webinar – Tuesday 15 February 2022 14:00-15:00 GMT
Highlights from the recent National Comparative Audits of Blood Transfusion
The National Comparative Audit (NCA) of Blood Transfusion is the largest programme of clinical audits of blood transfusion in the world and is funded by NHS Blood and Transplant in England. Please join us for our webinar where the NCA team will present the findings from 3 National Comparative Audits and the SHOT team will provide insights from haemovigilance reporting:
- 2018 audit of the use of fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate and transfusions for bleeding in neonates and older children – Dr Helen New
- 2019 Re-audit of the medical use of red cells – Dr Andrew Charlton
- 2021 audit of NICE Quality Standard 138 – Professor Mike Murphy and John Grant-Casey
- Highlights from SHOT reporting – Dr Shruthi Narayan and Dr Paula Bolton-Maggs
Registration for this event has now passed.