In July 2023, it was presented two SHOT webinars focused on accurate and complete patient identification for safe transfusion.
Webinar of accurate complete patient identification for safe transfusion adults
The first webinar was live on 11 July 2023. Members of the SHOT team along with members of the SG/WEG, the UKTLC, PBM team, a Transfusion Practitioner and patient representative covered some key aspects of positive patient identification. This included and overview from SHOT, WBIT – common themes and lessons learnt, practical steps regrading accurate patient identification and patient identification from a laboratory aspect. The presentation also highlighted the challenges of ensuring positive patient identification from a hospital and patient point of view. Relevant resources, both from SHOT and external sources, were also signposted.
Webinar on accurate and complete patient identification for safe transfusion in children and neonates
The second webinar that was presented live on 19 July 2023 focused on the challenges, practical steps and potential solutions related to accurate and complete patient identification in children and neonates. Panellists included paediatric transfusion experts both from clinical and laboratory perspectives and members from the SHOT team. We also had valuable insights from a patient and parent about methods of patient identification, challenges and importance of accurate patient identification. Relevant resources, both from SHOT and external sources, were also signposted.