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Think of the user – make it simple

People matter

Not everything that counts can be counted

The dirty dozen

Recognise, minimise and mitigate cognitive bias

Assumptions threaten safety

Celebrate good practice

A good safety culture

Identify a risk – raise it fix it

Effective handovers improve patient safety

Effective teamwork

Today’s good idea – tomorrow’s safer practice

Haemovigilance is everyone’s responsibility

A just and learning culture

All staff should receive holistic training

Short cuts cut lives short!

Seek signals for improvement from excellent care

Speak up for patient safety

Safety is a team effort

Safe and effective handovers

Rushing compromises transfusion safety

Partnering with patients to enhance transfusion safety

Always take the safest path – never take shortcuts

Optimise interoperability to improve patient safety

Human factors is not the same as human error

Changing culture takes time

Civility benefits everybody

Compassion and Empathy

Restorative culture

Start small-think big

Illustrations by Jenny Leonard