SHOT have created several SHOT Myth busters covering a wide variety of transfusion-related myths. Click on the document to see the facts related to each of the following myths, with associated resources.
- If components are leucodepleted they do not need to be CMV negative
- HH only occurs in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD)
- Weight adjusted dosing is only needed for paediatric patients
- IgA deficient patients always need IgA deficient components
- Patients developing fever with transfusions should be treated with steroids, antihistamines and paracetamol
- Anti-Kell is the most frequent antibody involved in haemolytic transfusion reactions
- Irradiated blood is recommended for solid organ transplant patients who have received alemtuzumab or ATG
- Traceability is not required for blood products such as anti-D Ig, prothrombin complex concentrates and human albumin solution
- Donors with sickle cell trait cannot donate blood
- Platelets can only be collected from male blood donors
- We have enough donors and blood can be manufactured
- Men who have sex with men are unable to donate blood
- I cannot donate blood if I am over 70 years old
- The minimum haemoglobin (Hb) level requirement is the same for all types of donations
- UK Blood Services do not collect plasma for medicines (PFM) such as albumin or clotting factors
- I cannot donate if I am taking any medication