This document aims to answer questions regarding the recording, reporting and investigation of transfusion related adverse incidents in England following the introduction of PSIRF.
Purpose of this document
This document aims to answer questions regarding the recording, reporting and investigation of transfusion related adverse incidents in England following the introduction of PSIRF.
What is PSIRF?
NHS England published the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) in August 2022 as a
core element of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy in England. The Framework sets out the NHS’s approach to developing and maintaining effective systems and processes for responding to patient safety incidents for the purpose of learning and improving patient safety.
The PSIRF is a contractual requirement under the NHS Standard Contract and is mandatory for providers of NHS-funded care in England. The PSIRF will replace the Serious Incident Framework and makes no distinction between ‘patient safety incidents’ and ‘Serious Incidents’. As such it removes the ‘Serious Incidents’ classification and the threshold for it. Instead, the PSIRF promotes a proportionate approach to responding to patient safety incident, prioritises compassionate engagement with those affected, and embeds patient safety incident response within a wider system of improvement.
All NHS trusts in England began implementing PSIRF in September 2022 with an expectation for transition to PSIRF by Autumn 2023.
If you require any additional clarification with regards to haemovigilance reporting, please do not hesitate to email.
Contact details
- SABRE email:
- [email protected]
- Patient safety enquires:
- [email protected]
- SHOT email:
- [email protected]