This checklist has been updated in June 2020 and provides a structured process to ensure that the right component is transfused to the right patient at the right time for the right reason and will help ensure patients have received the right information about their transfusion in a timely manner where
possible. There is a lack of unequivocal evidence to support either a one‐ or two‐person checking procedure. There is no evidence from SHOT reports (Bolton‐Maggs, 2015) to suggest that two‐
person checking is safer than one. If local policy requires a two‐person checking procedure, each person should complete all the checks independently (double independent checking).The checklist
will help improve transfusion safety and is a requirement following the CMO CAS alert sent out in November 2017: CEM/CMO/2017/005 and can be found by clicking here.
We encourage users to utilise this document to help draft checklists locally.