The checklist above has been created to reduce errors and optimise safety of transfusions in autologous and allogeneic haemopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients and should be used by the transplant centre team as part of every transplant recipient’s journey. The blood group changes are only applicable to allogeneic stem cell transplants where ABO and/or D groups are different. This document should be used in conjunction with local policies relating to provision of blood components for HSCT.
Key action point for all HSCT centres
Design a process to incorporate this checklist into your local policy with a procedure describing how to use/ follow it.
The checklist above is based on the emerging themes and weak points identified from the error reports submitted to SHOT and has been approved by the Transfusion Medicine Specialty Advisory Committee of the Royal College of Pathologists, the National Blood Transfusion Committee, the British Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation & Cellular Therapy, the SHOT Steering Group and the SHOT Working Expert Group. The actions in the checklist below have been grouped according to phases of the patient’s transplant journey.