This document provides a high-level summary of all the initiatives across the UK from the 1990’s onwards to improve transfusion safety. Please note that while we have tried to capture all the main initiatives, this does not cover all the national/regional audits, other operational initiatives and local training programmes to help improve transfusion safety.
The initiatives for each of the UK countries are shown on a different page and in a distinct colour. There are common UK wide initiatives such as introduction of the Blood Safety and Quality Regulations, SHOT and MHRA related activities such as the Safety Alerts and SaBTO consent for transfusion guidance with the development of UK patient information leaflets. These are reflected across all nations.

UK transfusion safety initiatives
The SHOT team are grateful for the valuable contributions of the transfusion teams across the UK who have helped collate this information.
Feel free to use this in your staff and patient education and contact us at [email protected] if any queries.