SCRIPT have undertaken several surveys to gather data from transfusion professionals working in hospitals relating to information technology.
SHOT Reporters Survey 2020
An online survey was sent to all registered SHOT reporters from November 2020 – February 2021 to begin data gathering from transfusion professionals working in hospitals. Thank you to all who responded. This infographic document provides a summary of the key findings and suggested actions to be taken in future SCRIPT work.
Infographic SCRIPT survey summary 2020 (626kB pdf)

Full details of the questions in the SCRIPT online survey can be seen below, please note that the survey is the property of SHOT and has SHOT copyright.
SHOT-IT-Survey-2020-copyright (pdf)
LIMS Supplier Survey 2021
Responses from the SCRIPT reporters survey in 2020 highlighted several key aspects that users felt were deficient in current laboratory information management systems (LIMS). Using these as a focus, SCRIPT undertook a LIMS supplier survey between September and December 2021 in the form of one-to-one interviews between SCRIPT team members and representatives from each of the ten LIMS providers identified in the user survey. There was 100% response rate from LIMS providers. This information was entered into an online survey from which analysis was undertaken to explore the status of current LIMS. The main findings are outlined in this summary report.
LIMS-Suppliers-Survey-2021-Summary-Report (pdf)