SCRIPT is the SHOT UK Collaborative Reviewing and reforming IT Processes in Transfusion (SCRIPT) group and is a subgroup of the information technology (IT) Working Expert Group (WEG)
SCRIPT Activities
Click below to view the summary of SCRIPT activities:
SCRIPT summary of activities 2023
SCRIPT summary of activities 2024
SCRIPT Terms of Reference
Click below to view the SCRIPT group terms of reference
SHOT-Terms-of-Reference-September-2024 (pdf)
SCRIPT Mission Statement
To improve transfusion safety through improved IT systems and practices
- Improve standards of hospital transfusion practice relating to IT
- Educate clinical and laboratory users and transfusion professionals on transfusion IT
systems. This scope is to include including trainees, managers and IT professionals - Aid production of national IT standards and guidelines
SCRIPT Terms of Reference Version 1 September2024
Page 1 of 4 - Provide a community of practice for transfusion professionals to
share expertise and learn from each other - Promote the benefits (and drawbacks) of transfusion IT with national patient safety and
national healthcare IT organisations with the purpose of influencing change and
highlighting the importance of investment in resources as well as local/regional
implementation groups (reword wit correct terms) - Collaborate with haemovigilance organisations across the world about transfusion IT
Scope of SCRIPT
SCRIPT analyses data from clinical and laboratory adverse events reports relating to IT submitted
to SHOT, where IT has caused or contributed to the errors reported, where IT systems have been
used incorrectly and includes cases where IT systems could have prevented errors but were not
Confidentiality of reporters, patients and donors is assured in accordance with the SHOT privacy
Purpose of SCRIPT
- SCRIPT aims to enhance transfusion safety by improving IT systems which are designed for clinical and laboratory transfusion practice in UK hospitals.
- SCRIPT investigates the contribution of deficiencies in IT systems to serious adverse patient outcomes.
- SCRIPT identifies areas where laboratory and clinical IT systems need to be improved and makes appropriate recommendations for changes that will improve outcomes for patients.
- SCRIPT provides authoritative data and resources to inform and support procurement, validation, implementation and maintenance of transfusion IT systems.
- SCRIPT supports the production of standards and guidelines relating to IT in blood transfusion.
- SCRIPT performs and collaborates in surveys, audits and research in the area of transfusion IT to understand, improve and support improvements in IT uptake and safety.
- SCRIPT provides and supports education on IT in transfusion safety as relevant to all personnel involved in the blood transfusion process, including personnel in IT departments.
- SCRIPT provides data and resources that support local understanding and facilitate safer IT systems for transfusion.
- SCRIPT information and resources are maintained on a dedicated page of the SHOT website.
- The SCRIPT members are responsible for ensuring that the page is kept up to date, supported by the SHOT team.
Relationship to other bodies
SHOT is aligned to the RCPath, and SCRIPT will work closely with the relevant committees of
the RCPath (e.g. Pathology Informatics Committee)
SCRIPT aims to work collaboratively with other bodies with responsibility for transfusion safety
e.g. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Advisory Committee on the
Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs (SaBTO), Institute of Biomedical Science, NHS in England,
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, National Blood Transfusion Committee (NBTC) of England
and its counterparts in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the four UK Blood Transfusion
Services, British Society for Haematology (BSH) Transfusion Task Force, Royal College of
Pathologists (RCPath), Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation
Services Professional Advisory Committee (JPAC, especially the Standing Advisory Committee
for Information Technology) and the UK Transfusion Laboratory Collaborative (UKTLC).
SCRIPT aims to promote the improvement of IT systems internationally by collaborative working
with the International Society of Blood Transfusion (via its IT working party) and one of the
SCRIPT core group members will be a member of the ISBT IT working party to ensure close