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The SHOT UK Collaborative Reviewing and reforming IT Processes in Transfusion (SCRIPT) group aims to improve transfusion safety through improved IT systems and practices


SHOT Reporters Survey 2020

An online survey was sent to all registered SHOT reporters from November 2020 – February 2021 to begin data gathering from transfusion professionals working in hospitals. Thank you to all who responded. This infographic document provides a summary of the key findings and suggested actions to be taken in future SCRIPT work.

Full details of the questions in the SCRIPT online survey can be seen here, please note that the survey is the property of SHOT and has SHOT copyright.

LIMS Supplier Survey 2021

Responses from the SCRIPT reporters survey in 2020 highlighted several key aspects that users felt were deficient in current laboratory information management systems (LIMS). Using these as a focus, SCRIPT undertook a LIMS supplier survey between September and December 2021 in the form of one-to-one interviews between SCRIPT team members and representatives from each of the ten LIMS providers identified in the user survey. There was 100% response rate from LIMS providers. This information was entered into an online survey from which analysis was undertaken to explore the status of current LIMS. The main findings are outlined in this summary report.


North-East and Yorkshire RTC End-to-End Transfusion IT Group: 2023 IT Profiling Survey Results

To support the objectives of the  North-East and Yorkshire End-to-End Transfusion IT Group and inform RTC members across the region, the decision to undertake a regional IT profiling survey was an early action identified by the group. Data from this survey will be used to help facilitate and promote shared learning across the region and provide focus for the educational content of the North-East and Yorkshire End-to-End Transfusion IT Group meetings. This document is shared on behalf of the North-East and Yorkshire RTC Transfusion IT group, to provide information for other regional IT groups. SHOT would like to thank the NE and Yorkshire group for their permission to share this document.

Other Resources

SCRIPT Article

SHOT UK Collaborative Reviewing and Reforming IT Processes in Transfusion (SCRIPT) survey: Laboratory information management systems: Are we ready for digital transformation? has now been published in Transfusion Medicine.

The published article can be accessed via this link:



Using Information Technology for Safe Transfusion

This document has been created to support the implementation of safe IT systems within hospitals and transfusion laboratories

Why is this document needed?

Feedback from the SCRIPT user survey in 2020/21 suggested that transfusion services would appreciate more guidance on the functionality of transfusion IT. Actions for SCRIPT included reinforcing recommendations that electronic transfusion systems should be implemented, and to provide documentation on transfusion IT.

What does it contain?

This document has been created to support the implementation of safe IT systems within hospitals and transfusion laboratories. It details how properly developed and configured IT systems can be used in
collaboration with staff skills and knowledge to improve patient safety.

How do I use it?

It is arranged in two sections, firstly by Ten steps in the transfusion pathway and secondly by IT system. Each section contains identical information, however, is arranged differently for ease of use. Please use the index page for each section to navigate the document. Click here or on the image below to access the document.


How information technology systems can support safe practice in anti-D Ig management in pregnancy

Electronic Blood Management Systems (EBMS) Resources

First NHS Hospital in England to go live with end-to-end electronic requesting and reporting with NHSBT

NHSBT have announced the first steps in the successful development of an improved service to customers. The ask for an electronic format to request tests and report results has been heavily featured in customer feedback for some time. In March 2023 King’s Mill hospital was the first hospital to go live with the electronic requesting and reporting of the foetal DNA Rh D screening of Rh D negative mothers. With the new system, hospitals can request the test electronically with the test results generated by NHSBT to download directly to the hospital’s LIMS systems, instead of having to query SPICE.


The initial SCRIPT survey highlighted the need for guidance documents and templates for staff implementing IT systems to support vein-to-vein clinical and laboratory transfusion practice in their organisations. To supplement the UK guidance issued by BSH and other organisations, as well as resources provided by software companies and other system providers, the SCRIPT group have been collating some useful practical resources. These have mainly been developed by individuals and teams to support local IT projects and are provided in the spirit of sharing practice.


Please note that these are working documents shared by reporters and may not cover all aspects of requirements and are not endorsed by regulatory or assessment bodies, and as such are illustrative examples – feel free to use and adapt as appropriate. 


SCRIPT would welcome ideas for future resources and invite contributions from all. If you are interested in contributing your own documents or templates, or if you are interested in sharing your experience for the benefit of others in our transfusion community, please email [email protected].


We thank everyone who has contributed so far and look forward to hearing your ideas and receiving further resources.


Specification and Validation resources

Transfusion IT related educational resources

External transfusion IT related resources and specialist interest groups

The following resources are signposted for information of those working with transfusion related IT systems:



BSH Guideline for the specification, implementation and management of IT systems in hospital transfusion laboratories

NHS Digital Interoperability Toolkit (ITK)

Electronic blood management systems for blood transfusions (Wales)


Specialist Interest Groups

ISBT Working Party for Information Technology which includes SCRIPT representation