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SHOT Publications – Articles

2021 Publications List

RCPath bulletin article on Anti-D

Rh-D haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn – the role of SHOT in improving care (

IBMS article :

V Tuckley. Tricky Transfusions in Transplants. The Biomedical Scientist. May 2021 pp42-43

Anne Lockhart & Victoria Tuckley – Laboratory errors in transfusion – learning for the laboratory, The Biomedical Scientist September 2021 pp 23-25


2020 Publications List


Elliot J, Narayan S, Poles D, Tuckley V, Bolton-Maggs PHB. Missed irradiation of cellular blood components for vulnerable patients: Insights from 10 years of SHOT data. Transfusion. 2020;1–8.

Tuckley V. SHOT 2019 Data: why be reactive with safety when we can be proactive? Pathology in Practice, October 2020, pp24-28.

Lockhart A. Laboratory errors in transfusion 2020. IBMS website, 03 September 2020.

Tuckley V, Spinks C, Narayan S. UK Transfusion Laboratory Culture Survey 2019: an overview. ACP News, Autumn 2020, pp44-49.

2019 Publications List


Murphy M F, Addison J, Poles D, Dhiman P, Bolton‐Maggs P. Electronic identification systems reduce the number of wrong components transfused. Transfusion, December 2019, Volume 59, pp3601-3607.

Tuckley V. SHOT 2018 Data: Human Factors and Making The LEAP To Transfusion Safety. Pathology in Practice, October 2019, pp48-52.

Bolton‐Maggs P, Mistry H, Glencross H, Rook R. Staffing in hospital transfusion laboratories: UKTLC surveys show cause for concern. Transfusion Medicine, April 2019, Volume 29, Issue 2, pp95-102.

Vlaar APJ, Toy P, Fung M, Looney M R, Juffermans N P, Bux J, Bolton‐Maggs P, Peters A L, Silliman C C, Kor D J, Kleinman S. A consensus redefinition of transfusion‐related acute lung injury. Transfusion. July 2019, Volume 59, pp2465-2476.

IHN/ISBT definition Andrzejewski C, Bolton-Maggs P, Grey S, Land K, Lucero H, Perez G, Popovsky M, Rajbhandary S, Renaudier P, Robillard P, Santos M, Schipperus M, Thomas D, Whitaker B, Wiersum-Osselton J (convenor). Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO) Definition (2018). IHN/ISBT haemovigilance working party/AABB, March 2019.

Bolton‐Maggs P, Watt A. Transfusion errors — can they be eliminated? British Journal of Haematology, first published: 02 December 2019. doi: 10.1111/bjh.16256. [Epub ahead of print].


Foley K, Poles D, Mistry H, Gray A, Bolton-Maggs PHB. Are the ‘rules’ for times in set up and duration of red cell transfusion too strict? Transfus Med 2016; 26(3):166-169

Green L, Cardigan R, Beattie C, Bolton-Maggs PHB, Stanworth SJ, Thachil J, Kallis Y, Zahra S. Addendum to the BCSH Guidelines for the use of FFP, cryoprecipitate and cryosupernatant 2004 (Br J Haematol 2004, 126, 11-28). Br J  Haematol 2016 epublication letter DOI 10.1111/bjh.14163

Bolton-Maggs PHB. Conference report: the 2015 SHOT symposium and report – what’s new? Transfus Med 2015; 25(5): 295-298

Bolton-Maggs PHB, Wood EM, Wiersum-Osselton JC. Wrong blood in tube – potential for serious outcomes: can it be prevented? Br J Haematol 2015; 168(1):3-13

New HV, Berryman J, Bolton-Maggs PHB, Cantwell C, Chalmers EA, Davies T, Gottstein R, Kelleher A, Kumar S, Morley SL, Stanworth S on behalf of the BCSH. Guidelines on transfusion for foetuses, neonates and older children. Br J Haematol 2016 in press (published on BCSH guidelines website)


Paula H. B. Bolton-Maggs Zero tolerance for labelling of all pathology specimens: a recommendation from SHOT 2013. Reproduced from Bulletin of the Royal College of Pathologists January 2014 with permission.


Paula H. B. Bolton-Maggs and Hannah Cohen. Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) haemovigilance and progress is improving transfusion safety British Journal of Haematology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Bolton-Maggs PHB, Davies T, Poles D and Cohen H. Errors in anti-D immunoglobulin administration: retrospective analysis of 15 years’ reports to the UK confidential haemovigilance scheme. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology2013; 120(7):873-8.

Midwives article by Tony Davies on anti-D (available on SHOT website) February 2013

Mugabe B, Thomas D, Bolton-Maggs PHB, Cohen H. SHOT: its implications for Critical Care – the serious hazards of transfusion. Journal of the Intensive care society 2013; 14 (3) 215-219.

Bolton-Maggs PHB. Transfusion safety in 2012: main messages from the SHOT annual report for 2012 (Editorial). Transfusion Medicine 2013; 23(4);217-8.

Commissioned editorial:  Bolton-Maggs PHB. Blood Transfusion Safety – patients at risk from human errors: report from the UK national haemovigilance scheme, Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) British Journal of Hospital Medicine (in press).

Guidance on anti-D administration in early pregnancy: British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Authors’ reply to a letter (in press)


H N Tinegate, T Davies, R J Elshaw, G Jane, M Lyon, D R Norfolk, D E Plews, C B Troy, D Watson. When and why is blood crossmatched? A prospective survey of transfusion laboratory practice in two regions in the north of England. Vox Sanguinis 2010: 99:163-167


B Chaffe, J Jones, C Milkins, C Taylor, D Asher, H Glencross, M Murphy, H Cohen,. Recommended minimum standards for hospital transfusion laboratories. UK Transfusion Laboratory Collaborative. Biomedical Scientist 2009; 53(9): 744-745.

B Chaffe, J Jones, C Milkins, C Taylor, D Asher, H Glencross, M Murphy, H Cohen.  Recommended minimum standards for hospital transfusion laboratories. UK Transfusion Laboratory Collaborative: Transfusion Medicine; 2009 19(4): 156-158.

Chapman C, Stainsby D, Jones H, Love E, Massey E, Win N, Navarette C, Lucas G, Soni N, Morgan C, Choo L, Cohen H, Williamson LM. Ten years of haemovigilance reports of transfusion related acute lung injury in the UK and the impact of preferential use of male donor plasmaon behalf of the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Steering Group. Transfusion 2009; 49 : 440-452


Stainsby D, Jones H, Wells AW, Gibson B, Cohen H. on behalf of the Serious hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Steering Group. Adverse outcomes of blood transfusion of children : analysis of UK reports to the Serious Hazards of Transfusion Scheme. British Journal of Haematology 2008; 141 : 73-79

Taylor C P F. (2008) L’Hémovigilance au Royaume-Uni, Bulletin d’Hémovigilance de l’Afssaps n°16 page 2; janvier/février 2008


Williamson LM, Stainsby D, Jones , Love E, Chapman CE, Navarette C, Lucas G, Beattey C, Casbard A, Cohen H. on behalf of the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Steering Group – The impact of leukodepletion of the blood supply on haemovigilance reports of posttransfusion pupura and transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. TRANSFUSION 2007; 47 : 1455-1467

Stainsby, D;   Haemovigilance – not just a register.  The impact of transfusion safety initiatives in the UK.  ISBT Science Series Vol 2 Issue 1:189-193 July 2007

Taylor C P F. (2007) Editorial, Blood Matters, 21, 2-3.

Taylor C P F, Davies T. (2007) SHOT – the next generation, Blood Matters; 23, 9-10.


Taylor C P F. (2006) MHRA and inspections, Bloodlines, 81:5-6

Taylor C P F. (2006) About the MHRA inspection, Bloodlines, 81:6-7

Stainsby D, Jones H, Asher D, Atterbury C, Bonicelli A, Brant L, Chapman C, Davidson K, Gerrard R, Gray A, Knowles S, Love E, Milkins C, McClelland B, Norfolk D, Soldan K, Taylor C, Revill J, Williamson L, Cohen H. (2006) Serious Hazards of Transfusion: A decade of haemovigilance in the UK. Transfusion Medicine Reviews, 20(4):273-282


Murphy M. Surveillance of transfusion errors: putting data to use in the U.K. Dev Biol (Basel). 2005;120:179-87

Stainsby D. ABO incompatible transfusions – experience from the UK Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) scheme. Transfusions ABO incompatible. Transfus Clin Biol. 2005;12(5):385-8

Stainsby D.  Errors in transfusion. Anaesthesiology Clinics of North America. July 2005

Gerrard R. Hazards of Blood Transfusion – lessons to learn. Nurse2Nurse 2005: 4 (12) 9-12

Gerrard R. In my View – the importance of blood transfusion safety, Medical Laboratory World, June 2005; 34

Stainsby D, Russell J, Cohen H, Lilleyman J. Reducing Adverse Events in Blood Transfusion. Br J Haematol. 2005 Oct;131(1):8-12

C Milkins, S Knowles, M DeSilva, M Contreras & D Stainsby. Prevention and diagnosis of delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions. 2006 International Forum, Vox Sang, 91, 4, 365-367


Gerrard R. The National Blood Service. Supporting better blood transfusion. Br J Perioper Nurs. 2004 May;14(5):215-20. Review.

Stainsby D. Haemovigilance in the UK – the SHOT scheme. Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine 1 (1) 2004.

Stainsby D. Haemovigilance in the UK and Europe. The Haematology Journal 2004; 5:S175-178

Stainsby D. Williamson L, Jones H, Cohen H, 6 years of SHOT reporting – its influence on UK blood safety.  Transfusion and Apheresis Science 31 2004:123-131


Love EM, Jones H, Williamson LM, Cohen H, Todd A, Soldan K, Revill J, Norfolk DR, Barbara J, Atterbury CLJ, Asher D, Chapman C. SHOT – A voluntary system for the reporting of serious hazards of transfusion in the UK. TATM 2003; 5 (1): 249-255


Taylor C P F. (2002) Fitness for Surgery. Blood Matters, 11: 2

Williamson LM. Transfusion hazard reporting: powerful data, but do we know how best to use it? Transfusion 2002; 42: 1249-1252


Regan F and Taylor C P F. Recent advances in Blood Transfusion. British Medical Journal  2001; 325: 143-147

Haemovigilance in the UK: 4 years of the SHOT scheme (oral), ISBT Paris July 2001 Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 2001; 8 (1): S23-005

Love EM, H Jones, LM Williamson et al. Haemovigilance and experience of the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) scheme in the United Kingdom (UK). Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion 2001;14: S19-23


Williamson LM, Cohen H, Love EM, Jones H, Todd A, Soldan K. The Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) initiative. The UK approach to haemovigilance. Vox Sanguinis 2000;78(2) :291-295

Cohen H, Love E, Williamson L, Jones H, Soldan K. Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT): A Scheme for Haemovigilance, International Society of Haematology 2000, Education Program Book, 49-53


Williamson LM. Systems contributing to the assurance of transfusion safety in the United Kingdom. Editorial. Vox Sanguinis. 1999;77:82-87

Williamson LM, Lowe S, Love EM, Cohen H, Soldan K, McClelland DBL, Skacel P, Barbara JAJ. The Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Initiative – Analysis of the first two annual reports. British Medical Journal 1999;319:16-19

Jones H. A SHOT across the bow. Medical Laboratory World 1999; Sep: 9-11

Todd A, Gray S. Transfusion Hazards – room for improvement. Nursing Standard 1999; 13,36: 32-33


Williamson LM, Love EM. Reporting Serious Hazards of Transfusion: The SHOT Program. Transfusion Medicine Reviews 1998: 12(1):28-35

McClelland DBL, UK SHOT Project, Love EM, Lowe S, Williamson LM. Haemovigilance: Concept, Europe and UK Initiatives. Vox Sanguinis 1998;74(2):431-439